Registrations open for 2024 IFS cohort

Depth work Transformational Courses

Ready for a rich journey inwards? Experience an alchemical path of your own making, as you come to terms with deep shadow work, individuation rituals, creative explorations and expansive exercises and reflections. Our depth work courses, based on Jungian process work , Eastern philosophies, creative modalities and affective research, are our signature offering. 

Journey to the Self

Ascension Academy’s Journey to the Self is an in-depth personal development and healing programme for those seeking greater connection to their Self, channeling their personal potential for transformation and enlightenment in a supportive group environment.

This programme is the first and only one of its kind with a holistic focus on engaging with and deeply understanding the Self, reclaiming lost parts of ourselves, and accessing our innate wisdom. We go through an entire healing journey across the four months, addressing life cycles, problematic patterns, closure, release, emotional needs, and our relationships with our bodies and souls. In Journey to the Self, participants draw upon imaginal play, intuition, rich discussion, and whole hearted witnessing. 

Since it has an existential focus, the course is designed to evoke reflection on how we shape our lives, and find our place in the world. Therefore, it is appropriate for those ready to take a deep dive within themselves. No arts or literature background necessary. Just openness, curiosity and a willingness to engage.

Based on principles of transpersonal and archetypal psychology, it helps participants connect to the Self through reflective, creative engagement with:

– Poetry, literature, journaling, creative writing
– Drawing, painting, story-telling, meditative practice (no arts background required)
– Psychodrama, music, crafting, Tarot, world traditions
– Embodied awareness, embodied dynamic psyche exercises.

Journey to Transcendence

This is a six-month holistic transformation programme for nurturing the mind, body and soul.

Participants will spend these 6 months embodying psychospiritual expansion to take a deeper dive and engage with the nature of their existence. Carefully curated a group of like-minded seekers will get together every week to dialogue about philosophy, experiential learning and deepening into embodied attunement practices.

This journey will help participants experience the world through the eyes of Carl Jung, reflecting on aspects of his work, engaging with their own inner alchemy and moving towards individuation. They will take an archetypal tour of the psyche with the Tarot, and they will also be meeting and engaging with their shadow. It’ll also lead us down the path of our ancestral heritage, as we walk through the gates of loss and renewal. Digging deeper into our spirituality and connecting to the divine through the deeper wisdom traditions of Sufism and Taoist philosophy. By working through rituals of resilience, mindfulness, creativity and play the participants will be able to access their higher self, in body and spirit. All the while cultivating a community that gathers to hold space for each other.

Train with the best

Customizable Trainings and Other Workshops

Customizable Trainings

We customize trainings through collaboration! Reach out to us and ask how we can help develop a training specific to your needs and requirements.

Other Workshops

We also offer other workshops, many that come alive through what is emerging in the collective. These workshops may also include the elements and underpinnings of supportive group processes and a coming together of like minded individuals for community building and connection.

Train with the best

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